Embark from our private dock in a custom-made Riverboat on a Mekong River journey for one or two hours in the morning or late afternoon.
Experienced kayakers enjoy borrowing our 2-seat kayak to explore the Mekong Riverscape and watch the fishermen cast and haul in their nets.
Enjoy a private sunset cocktail party on the sandy beach of Turtle Island in the middle of the Mekong River offshore the Resort.
Participate in a traditional Baci ceremony on our Riverside lawns, paying respect to protective spirits residing in the Resort’s towering trees.
Visit the Pakse wet market in the early morning to see a profusion of Laotian vegetables, tropical fruits, fresh fish and local meats.
For special parties, we arrange for a group of traditional Lao musicians to perform on their classical instruments, with Lao dancers accompanying the performance.